Kim-Fay Brands Nominated for FMCG Awards 2024: Cast Your Votes Now!
We are thrilled to announce that several Kim-Fay brands have been nominated for the prestigious FMCG Awards 2024! This recognition highlights our commitment to excellence and innovation in the fast-moving consumer goods industry. We couldn’t have achieved this without the continued support of our loyal customers, and we are immensely grateful for your trust and patronage. Below is a list of the categories in which our brands have been nominated, along with the voting links: Category Brand Voting Link Best Brand Identity Redesign Fay Facial Tissues Vote Now Tissue brand of the year Fay Vote Now Pocket Tissues of the year Fay Vote Now Wetwipes brand of the year Fay Vote Now Hair Product Of Choice ORS Vote Now Tissue brand of the year Cosy Vote Now Tissue brand of the year Sifa Vote Now Toothpaste brand of the year Dabur Toothpaste Vote Now Toothpaste brand of the year Miswak Vote Now Bath Soap brand of the year Lux Vote Now Bath Soap brand of the year Dove Vote Now Deodorant brand of the year Rexona Vote Now Body oil brand of the year BioOil Vote Now Wetwipes brand of the year Huggies Vote Now Shower gel of the year Lux Vote Now Shower gel of the year Dove Vote Now Shower gel of the year Hobby Vote Now FMCG Consumer Choice Award Kim-Fay East Africa Vote Now Your vote can make a difference! We encourage you to show your support for Kim-Fay brands by casting your votes in these categories. Feel free to share this with your family and friends to help us secure victory in the FMCG Awards 2024. Thank you for your continued support!