As adorable as they are, travelling with a baby is anything but a walk in the park. It can tempt you to give up your plans and stay put until you have someone to take care of the baby for you, or they grow up.
Traveling with an infant can be stressful and may compel you to put off your trips and vacations plans. This does not have to be the case. You can keep your baby calm and content during your trip by doing a few simple things.#Make the Journey Less Difficult
If you’re prepared well for the trip to keep your baby safe and comfortable, you won’t have to worry about your child giving you a tough time. Infants fuss more while traveling because of the long hours of the uncomfortable ride. We have come up with five basic tips that will help you plan better and effectively when traveling with a baby.
1. Pack Smartly for Your Trip to Make the Journey Less Difficult.
If you’re planning to have a long trip, you will need a considerable amount of suitcase to accommodate the supplies for infant care. But the last thing you would want to do while your baby is screaming at the top of their lungs is to hunt down the exact thing from a huge suitcase. You don’t want to unpack the entire bag in the middle of the road only to search a pack of wipes, do you?
Well, the smart thing to do is that you pack a smaller bag that has all the basic supplies in smaller quantity. You can keep the bag closer and can reach out to it without going through any hassle. Make sure that you have the following things packed in the smaller bag:
- A couple of diapers with a changing pad
- A packet of baby wipes
- Bottle(s) of formula milk (keep it in a small cooler bag)
- Infant Tylenol
- Baby blanket
- An extra dress set
The need for these supplies may surface at any point of time during the trip. It’s better to have them handy. Also, you can keep you your baby’s favorite toys to distract them. Having a car phone charger, snack and sleep aids in the same bag can also come handy for you while traveling.
2. Prepare for the Climate to Make the Journey Less Difficult.
How you dress your baby has a lot to do with their reactions. So, you’ve to prepare ahead of time for the climate and also keep a frequent check that your baby is comfortable in the clothes they’re wearing. This often happens that you dress your infant according to the present weather and once you start traveling, the baby starts to get restless. This is because of the change in weather.
So, always keep this in mind and dress the baby accordingly. If the day gets hotter, make sure you change them into lighter and airy clothes. It is better that you pack for both extremes when traveling for an extended period. This will prepare you for any unexpected change in the weather and keep your baby comfortable. Make sure you have these three things considered when preparing:
- Pack for both kinds of weather as a precaution.
- Get weather insights to know how the weather is going to be during your visit.
- Have extra clothes packed.
3. Have Enough Baby Food
If you’re planning for a longer vacation or stay in another place, it is important that you carry enough baby food formula to last the time. This is because of the following reasons:
- The formula and baby food may vary from place to place.
- If you’re traveling with an infant internationally, there can be a significant difference in the taste even if you’re using the same formula brand.
- Your baby may not respond well to the changed taste.
- Changing the formula during the trip may cause a disturbance in your baby’s tummy, causing them to remain restless or develop a health problem.
- So, the best thing to do is carry some baby food with you to keep the baby’s hunger pangs at bay throughout the journey.
4. Pack Light
If you are going for a short stay, we recommend you to pack light. Carrying excess luggage only creates more problems when you are traveling with a young one. Especially if you are traveling by bus or train, you wouldn’t have much space to accommodate the luggage anyway, not to mention the trouble you’ll face in stowing and carrying the bags.
At times, it becomes a necessity to carry more things while traveling. If this is the case, get the service of a porter to handle the luggage for you. Your focus should be on safe boarding with the baby.
5. Take Care of Yourself Too
Now, this is the most important thing you need to pay attention to. How you react has a lot to do with your baby’s comfort. If your child is having a breakdown, you have to keep your cool instead of getting agitated yourself.
You being upset will only make the baby act fussier! Take a couple of deep breaths and cool yourself down. Then try to address the problem your child is facing so as to make the journey less difficult.
It is important that you keep your energy up to face such situations. Eat healthily and be well rested. Having a young one may not allow you to get an eight-hour sleep at night, so get in the habit of taking mid-day naps. Carry high-protein bars and easy-to-eat snacks with you as energy supplies.
When you are well-rested and energized, you’d be able to take better care of your child and keep them calm and quiet while traveling.
So, if you are traveling with a baby, you have to take care of yourself first before you’ll be able to look after your child.
If you keep these pointers in mind when planning your trip, traveling with an infant won’t be as difficult. You can ensure a comfortable journey and enjoy a good time with family.